Trouble with witches

Josephs, Pearson, Paige & Vail ancestors
connected with accusations of witchcraft

Beach, Thomas V New Haven CT Sister-in-law, Mary Staples Beach, twice accused of witchcraft; arrested, tried, and found innocent
Bishop, John V Guilford CT Brother James cited in 1653 witchcraft trial; a Mrs. Godman, jealous of his wife, said to have brought fits and miscarriages upon her
Bulkeley, Gershom (Rev.) J New London CT Took in young Mercy Holbridge from her Puritan minister stepfather; found her “blameless & inoffensive”; later, as Mercy Disbrow, she was tried for witchcraft in Fairfield CT, twice sentenced to death, and got off after intervention by Rev. Timothy Woodbridge (see Hurlbutt, Thomas and Warren, Abigail)
Chatfield, Ann Higginson V Salem MA Brother Rev. John Higginson may have opposed witch trials but his junior minister Nicholas Noyes actively pursued them; niece Ann Higginson Dolliver arrested for witchcraft but acquitted
Hawkins, Jane Angell V Portsmouth NH Called a “witty crafty baggage” for preaching in England; as a midwife, accused of witchcraft for delivering deformed child of Quaker Mary Dyer (who was later hanged); banished, moved to RI
Holdridge, Isabella Craddock Pr Exeter NH Principal witness against John Goddard (her landlord, to whom she owed money) at three Salem witch trials in 1659; murdered at Mast Swamp NH by Negro Jack in 1689
Hurlbutt, Thomas III V Fairfield CT Testified against Mercy Disbrow in 1692 witchcraft trial (See Bulkeley, Gershom and Warren, Abigail)
Goss, Richard Pr Portsmouth NH Mother-in-law Jane Walford accused of witchcraft several times, sued twice, awarded damages
Ingersall, Nathaniel Pr Salem MA Son Nathaniel was an accuser in at least seven Salem witchcraft trials; first hearings were held in his tavern
Mygatt, Sarah Webster V Hartford Sister-in-law Mary Webster accused of witchcraft and tried in Boston in 1684; acquitted
Perkins, Mary Pg Salem MA Accused as a witch; examined by Cotton Mather
Turpin, Thomas Pr Portsmouth NH Accused of witchcraft after his death by drowning in 1649
Vail, Jeremiah & Mary V Easthampton NY Testifed in support of accused witch Goody Garlick, saying all the supposed supernatural events had simple, natural causes
Warren, Abigail Pr Fairfield CT 2nd husband, Rev. Timothy Woodbridge, helped overturn death sentence for accused witch Mercy Disbrow, saying evidence wasn’t valid and she didn’t receive due process
Warren, John Pr Watertown MA Granddaughter Elizabeth Knapp claimed possession by the devil; examined by Cotton Mather
Webster, John (Gov.) V Hadley MA Daughter-in-law Mary Reeve Webster known as “Half-Hanged Mary”; accused by crowd, hanged and left for dead, cut down in the morning and lived another 14 years
Woodward, Elizabeth Mather J Northampton MA Nephew Increase Mather was a force for moderation in the Salem trials; but her grand-nephew Cotton Mather was notorious for his prosecuting zeal